Diploma Programs

Browse the Pathway Programs

Get extra support as you start your undergraduate studies.

Your Pathway to ECU

Students are able to begin their university studies with the pathway programs offered on campus by Edith Cowan College (ECC) and Australian College of Computing and Technology (ACBT).  ECC and ACBT offers Diploma programs in areas of commerce, communications & creative industries and science with specialisations in computing/IT, engineering or health science.

The Diploma program is equivalent to the first year of an undergraduate degree at Edith Cowan University. The program consists of 8 units of study and can be completed over 2 or 3 trimesters. Students who successfully complete 4 units under the ACBT Diploma program will receive advanced standing in the relevant ECC Diploma – Year 2 program.

Upon successful completion of your Diploma, you will be able to progress directly into the second year of your chosen Bachelor’s degree at ECU.

Quick Access

Diploma of Commerce


Diploma of Communications and Creative Industries

Diploma of Science (Computing/IT)

Diploma of Science (Engineering Studies)

Diploma of Health Science