
Make one-on-one appointments by contacting our Counselling Services on +94773629052.

Student Wellbeing Support

Because Student Life Can Be Tough

ECU Sri Lanka campus has a dedicated Student Counsellor to provide free and confidential counselling services to currently enrolled students.

Our Student Counsellor can:

●     Give you individual support

●     Act as an advocate

●     Assist in the event of a personal crisis or emergency


If you require support or treatment, the Student Counsellor will provide guidance and/or referrals. The Student Counsellor is willing and able to discuss any topic including:

●      Difficulties with studying, worrying about achievement, doing presentations and exams

●      Finding study, life and work balance

●      Death of a family member, close friend or fellow student

●      Homesickness and difficulties in adjusting to university life

●      Issues around identity or sexuality

●      Relationship problems

●      Sexual assault

●      Sexual health, pregnancy or contraception

●      Stress, anxiety or depression

●      Thoughts about self-harm or suicide

●      Time management